Monday, December 3, 2007

Books are a precious tool

Books overall technologies is still the most valuable tool to many people especially to those who still communicate through letters rather then phone calls or emails. What I realized is that when I came to the US I began to use the computer more frequently as apposed to my old techniques back in my country where it was popular to communicate through letters especially greeting cards, but not the ones already made for you but to be creative and make one yourself. You see the way we see it is that the more effort you put towards your own creation the more you care for someone rather then having technology do all the work for you. Yes computers may store lots of infomation and allow us to access and transfer it faster, in my opinion computers destroyed the idea od one putting effort into getting work done, its like having a robot do all the work for you.

Literacy in Developing Countries

My research paper is based on the economic factor that plays a role in ones literacy. Those especially living in rural areas aren't able to get education due to shortage in money and low chance of schools built in their area. Wars and natural disasters also affect the sprea of literacy and lack of schools limit the access to books in the library or the internet. Its is upto the government to take action to fix the situation whereas in parts of Africa the government is funding money towards education systems and other countries are recieving assisstance from organizations such as COPE and UNICEF. Therefore in the next couple of years some are likely to experience a better living and means of communication.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Issue in literacy

One issue in today's world of literacy that I found interesting was the difficulty people have to getting access to a computer or even the internet becuase of the country they live in and its affects of economic system. The reason why I picked this issue to write about for my research paper was because although many people in America today have full access to the internet I wanted people to understand that technology is also forming a gap between those who have and do not have a computer and countries like China, India and many countries in Africa contain the majority of the population who are illitrate not only in the use of technology becuase they do not have it but in reading and writing as well due to the low income country they live in unlike America which is wealthy.

Research Paper

The research paper I found a little complictated to compose when I first found out about it but as it was broken down into introduction, resources, body, etc this made it much easier to write up especially having articles to relate to and get information from. The braking down process also makes it time manageble for me, this way I am able to do page by page by every due date of a week until I complete the essay rather then leaving the whole six or whatever amount of pages for one day.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Throughout this month in college I learned that Im illiterate in using a computer properly. I just purchased a laptop for school purposes and Im not doing so well in saving or transfering information. Bellieve it or not I haven't used a computer in over 4 years , maybe just at the library or a friends to check my email or listen to music but other then that I don't even have an idea as to how a file is downloaded. Now that I'm in college Iam obligated to use the computer and I am learning little by little how to use it to write up my essays and do homeworks online like this for example or to check upcoming events at LaGaurdia or to get in contact with my proffessors or fellow students at E-Porfolio.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Readings I have done

In the past year I've mostly read books on the teachings of Islam becase I was interested in converting as I finally did a couple of weeks ago. I recommend for anyone who is atleast interested in getting familar with this religoin you may pick up some flyers at your local mosques and the shieks are very kind and will tell you all about it, and even give you books, such as Hajj and Fasting, Mohammed the Last Messenger of Allah, Zakat and Salah.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Revised essay

The group thing was very helpful to me because I wasn't able to see my mistakes but when somebody else pointed it out to me I was able to write up a better essay.